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About Python inline code

In OpenSesame you can create fairly complex experiments using only the graphical user interface (GUI), but you will inevitably encounter situations in which the functionality provided by the GUI is insufficient. In these cases you can use the inline_script item to add Python code to your experiment.


Learning Python

Code Academy

The Python track at Code Academy is an excellent way to get started with Python:

A Byte of Python

A good free E-book to learn Python for non-programmers is “A Byte of Python”, by Swaroop. Make sure to get the version for Python 2, which is what OpenSesame uses.

Think Python

Another good free E-Book is “Think Python”, by Allen B. Downey. This book should work for Python 2 as well as Python 3.

Python in the OpenSesame GUI

The inline_script item

In order to use Python code you need to add an inline_script item to your experiment. You can do this by dragging the Python icon (the blue/yellow icon) from the item toolbar into the experiment sequence. After you have done this you will see something like Figure 1.


Figure 1. The inline_script item.

As you can see, the inline_script item consists of two tabs: one for the prepare phase and one for the run phase. The prepare phase is executed first, to allow items to prepare for the time critical run phase. It is good practice to construct canvas objects, sampler objects, etc. during the prepare phase, so that they can be presented without delay during the run phase. But this is only convention, you can execute arbitrary Python code during both phases. For more information about the prepare-run strategy, see:

The scripts that you enter are used as the body of two functions of the inline_script class:

class inline_script:
   def prepare(self):
      # Your prepare script goes here
   def run(self):
      # Your run script goes here

This is important to know, because it explains why you can use commands such as:


This works, because sleep() is a function of the inline_script object.

Loop tables and conditional (“if”) statements

You can use single-line Python statements also where you would normally type static values or use the OpenSesame square-brackets notation to indicate values (i.e. [my_var]). To do so, you need to add an = prefix. For example, you can use the following Python script as a run-if statement (see also Figure 2):

=self.get('correct') == 1 and self.get('response_time') < 1000


Figure 2. Using Python script in the run-if statement of a sequence item.

For more information about conditional (“if”) statements, see:

Similarly, you can use single-line Python statements to define variables in loop tables. For example, if you want the variable duration to have a random value between 0 and 1000, you can use the following statement (all functions from the math and random modules are available; see also Figure 3):

=randint(0, 1000)


Figure 3. Using Python script to define variables in a loop table.

The debug window

OpenSesame reroutes the standard output to the debug window, which you can activate using Control + D or through the menu (Menu -> View -> Show debug window; see Figure 4). You can print to the debug window using the Python print statement:

print "This will appear in the debug window!"


Figure 4. The debug window.

By default, OpenSesame uses a simple, custom Python console in the debug window. However, you can also use IPython, which is a powerful interactive Python console (Figure 5). In order to do this, you need to run OpenSesame in a Python environment with IPython installed, and start OpenSesame with the command line argument --ipython.


Figure 5. The IPython debug window.

Things to know

The exp and win variables

There are two special variables in an inline_script: exp and win. Actually, there is nothing too special about these variables. They are simply synonyms for self.experiment and self.experiment.window, respectively. exp is the experiment object, which is described here, and you will use it often to access variables and functions. win is the window handle, which is dependent on the back-end that is used, and you will generally use only in special cases.

Getting and setting experimental variables

For information about getting and setting experimental variables in an inline_script, see here:

Sharing variables and modules between inline_scripts

Variables defined in one inline_script are accessible in all other inline_scripts. Therefore, if, for example, you want to prepare a canvas object in the prepare phase of an inline_script and show it in the run phase, there is no need to declare the object global or to store it as a property of the exp object. You can simply construct the canvas in one inline_script

from openexp.canvas import canvas
my_canvas = canvas(exp)

… and show it in another inline_script

The same principle applies to functions and modules: Once you have defined a function or imported a module in one inline_script, it will be accessible in other inline_scripts as well. In other words, variables, functions, and modules are shared between inline_scripts.

Modules for display presentation, response collection, etc.

openexp (Native OpenSesame modules)

OpenSesame comes with a set of Python modules for presenting stimuli, handling input, etc. These modules work with all back-ends. The full API (i.e., a list of functions) can be found here:


If you are using the psycho back-end, you can directly use the various PsychoPy modules. For more information, see:


If you are using the xpyriment back-end, you can directly use the various Expyriment modules. For more information, see:


If you are using the legacy, droid, or xpyriment (only with “Use OpenGL” set to “no”) back-end, you can directly use the various PyGame modules. For more information, see:

Experimental features

Transparent variables

In the general tab, you can enable the option ‘Transparent variable management’. If enabled, experimental variables will be directly accessible in inline_script items. For example, if you have defined a variable called my_var in a loop item, you will be able to use that variable directly in an inline_script:

print my_var
my_var = 'some value'

In contrast, if transparent variable management is disabled, you would need to use self.get() and exp.set():

print self.get('my_var')
exp.set('my_var', 'some value')

Older versions (0.27.1 and earlier)

Carry-over effects between runs

By default, OpenSesame executes the user interface and experimental runs in the same process. In some cases, this can give unexpected results. Let’s consider Experiment A that consists (only) of the following script …

global my_var
my_var = 'Test!'

… and Experiment B that consists (only) of the following script …

print my_var

If you first run Experiments A and next run Experiment B (without closing OpenSesame), you will find that Experiment B prints out ‘Test!’. This is a carry-over effect: my_var is set in Experiment A, but because it is declared global it will stay alive and also be accessible to Experiment B.

In general, such carry-over effects are harmless, but they are known to (on some systems) cause crashes when canvas objects are declared global. In general, it is therefore not advisable to declare canvas objects global. Instead, to share a canvas between inline_script items, you can store it as a property of exp:

from openexp.canvas import canvas
exp.my_canvas = canvas(exp)

Tip: If you consistently encounter trouble when running your experiment for the second time (without closing OpenSesame), you can enable the Run experiments in a separate process option under Preferences. If you enable this option, OpenSesame will run your experiments as a separate program, using opensesamerun.

Importing modules

Because the code in an inline_script item is essentially the body of a function (see above), functions and modules may not work as you expect them to. For example, the following seemingly valid (although silly) piece of script …

from random import randint
def my_function():
	print 'A random integer: %d' % randint(0,10)

… gives the following error:

NameError: global name 'randint' is not defined

The reason that this doesn’t work as you might expect is that randint is imported locally, in the function of which your code forms the body (see above). Therefore, you need to make randint global, so that it is also accessible from within other functions:

from random import randint
global randint
def my_function():
	print 'A random integer: %d' % randint(0,10)

This may be a bit confusing, but the take home message is: If you get a NameError for a module/ package/ function that you have imported, try declaring that module/ package/ function global, as illustrated above.

Defining globally accessible functions

Another neat trick is that you can declare functions global. Normally, you would not be able to define a function in one inline_script, and use it in another inline_script. By declaring a function global, you can circumvent this problem. So if you create the following inline_script …

# Inline_script 1
global my_global_function
def my_global_function():
	print 'You can call me anywhere!'

… you will be able to call my_global_function() in another inline_script:

# Inline_script 2