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This page is generated automatically from item-specific help pages. These pages can be viewed in OpenSesame by clicking on the help icon in the top-right of the tab area.


Commonly used items

Feedback items

feedback items can be used to inform participants of their performance. feedback items are very similar to sketchpad items, but differ in the moment at which they are prepared. feedback items are not prepared in advance, which means that they can be used to display up-to-date information about response times, etc. On the other hand, this lack of preparation also means that they may introduce a small delay in your experiment. Therefore, you should not use feedback items to present time-critical displays.

To provide feedback, you can make use of the built-in feedback variables, such as avg_rt and acc, for example by adding the following lines of text to your feedback item:

Your average response time was [avg_rt] ms
Your accuracy was [acc] %

For more information, see:

Inline_script items

You can do a lot with the graphical interface of OpenSesame, but for certain complex tasks you will have to use scripting/ programming. This is where the inline_script item comes in. You can use regular Python code in your inline_script. Python is a modern, powerful, high-level programming language. There are numerous libraries available for Python, so there is really no limit to what you can do using inline_script items.

For more information about using Python scripting, see:

A tab to prepare and a tab to run

The inline_script item contains two scripts. The Prepare phase script is called first, before the sequence that contains the inline_script is executed. This allows you to do perform some time-consuming tasks in advance, so that the Run phase goes smoothly. The Run phase script is called during the actual running of the sequence that the inline_script is part of. So if you want to present a stimulus display in your inline_script, it is good practice to construct the display in the Prepare phase and show it in the Run phase. Note that this is purely a convention, from which you can deviate as circumstances dictate.

For more information about the prepare-run strategy, see:

Printing debug output

You can print to the debug window using the Python print statement/ function:

print('This will appear in the debug window!')

In general, the debug window functions as the standard output while the experiment is running.

Keyboard_response items

The keyboard_response item is the primary way to collect keypress responses.


  • Correct response is the name of the expected response. Usually you will set the correct_response variable elsewhere (e.g., in a loop item) and you can leave this field empty.
  • Allowed responses is a semicolon-separated list of keys that are accepted, e.g., ‘a;b;/’.
  • Timeout contains a maximum response time in milliseconds or ‘infinite’ for no timeout.
  • Flush pending keypresses indicates that old, pending responses should be discarded.

Response variables

  • response is the name of the response key or ‘None’ if a timeout occurs.
  • response_time is the time between the start of the response interval and the response.
  • correct is 1 if response matches correct_response and 0 otherwise.
  • average_response_time is the average response time since the last feedback item.
  • avg_rt is a synonym for average_response_time.
  • accuracy is the average percentage of correct responses since the last feedback item.
  • acc is a synonym for accuracy.

For more information about response variables, see:

Names of keys

Keys are generally identified by their character and/ or their description (depending on which is applicable). For example, the / key is identified as ‘slash’ and ‘/’. The a is just identified as ‘a’. The left-arrow key is just identified as ‘left’. For a full list of available key names, click on the ‘List available keys’ button.

For more information, see:

Logger items

The one rule to rule them all is: Always triple-check whether all relevant variables are logged!

The logger item is the primary way to log your data to file.

Selecting variables

In the logger you can indicate which variables you want to log. By default, the logger tries to auto-detect and log all variables. This is a safe bet, but results in large logfiles that contain a lot of unnecessary information. If you uncheck the auto-detect option, you can select variables from a list that contains all variables that OpenSesame is aware of. If, for some reason, the variable that you want to log does not appear in the list, you can add it using the ‘Add custom variable’ button. If you are unsure which variables you want to log, you can click on the Smart select button, which will select variables that are likely to be of interest.


  • Use ‘NA’ for variables that have not been set indicates that the logger should not throw an exception when it tries to log a non-existent variable. Instead, it will log the value ‘NA’ (for ‘not available’). This can be useful when you want to log a variable that has not been set the first time that the logger item is called, for example because that variable is only applicable to the last part of your experiment.
  • Automatically detect and log all variables indicates that the logger should auto-detect and log all variables.
  • Put quotes around values indicates that fields in the logfile should be quoted using double quotes.

Format of the logfile

The logfile is in plain-text, comma-separated format. This format can be opened in most text-editors (although Windows Notepad may not handle the line-endings properly) and spreadsheets.

For more information, see:

Loop items

A loop item calls another item (the ‘item to run’) multiple times, while varying your independent variables. loops are the main way to define independent variables, and to divide your experiment into trials and blocks.

The loop table

In the loop table you can specify variables, each of which corresponds to a single column. The rows in the table correspond to cycles. A cycle corresponds to a ‘level’ or one unique combination of independent variables. You can specify the number of cycles by entering a number in the cycles input field. The repeat option corresponds to the number of times that all cycles should be executed. You can set this to a non-integer value. For example, by setting repeat to 0.5, half of all cycles will be executed.

The order option indicates whether the cycles should be executed sequentially or in random order. Randomization is complete, in the sense that the complete list of number-of-cycles x repeat trials is randomized.

If you check Show advanced options, three more options become visible:

  • Break if is a conditional statement that allows you to specify a stop criterion. For example, if you enter [correct] = 1, the loop will be aborted when the participants provides a correct response.
  • At loop start, skip the first [X] cycle(s) allows you to specify how many cycles should be skipped. For example, if you set this value to ‘2’, the loop will skip the first two cycles and start at cycle 3. This options is only available when order is set to ‘sequential’.
  • If you check Run skipped cycles at end of loop (offset mode), the cycles that are skipped initially, as specified above, are still executed at the end of the loop.

Using Python functions

Most of the time you will enter static values into the loop table. For example, you may have a variable called cue, which is either ‘right’ or ‘left’. However, you can also use functions instead of static values. This is indicated by prepending an ‘=’ character. For example, to draw a random number between 0 and 100, you can enter the following into a cell in the loop table:


More generally,you can enter any valid Python statement after the ‘=’ sign. An overview of of useful functions can be found in the Python documentation:

Convenient ways of creating a large loop table

If you have multiple variables with multiple levels, it is a daunting task to create an entire full-factorial loop table by hand. In this case you can use the variable wizard, which can be started by clicking on the Variable wizard button at the top right of the loop table. In the variable wizard you can specify your variables and the levels of your variables to quickly create a full-factorial design. You can also prepare your loop variables in your favorite spreadsheet (e.g., OpenOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel) and paste them into the loop table.

Fore more information, see:

Mouse_response items

The mouse_response item works analogously to the keyboard_response item, with the obvious difference that mouse clicks are recorded instead of key presses.

Names of mouse buttons

Mouse buttons have a number (1, etc.) as well as a name (left_button, etc.). Both can be used to specify correct and allowed responses, but numbers will be used for logging.

  • left_button corresponds to 1
  • middle_button corresponds to 2
  • right_button corresponds to 3
  • scroll_up corresponds to 4
  • scroll_down corresponds to 5

For more information, see the help page of the keyboard_response and the documentation:

Sampler items

Sampler items allow you to play sound files. Only files in .wav or .ogg format can be used. If you need to convert sound files, for example from .mp3 format, you can use Audacity, an excellent open-source sound editor.


You can specify a number of options:

  • Volume between 0 and 100%
  • Pan turns the right (negative values) or left (positive values) channel down. Setting pan to -20 or 20 completely mutes the right or left channel, respectively.
  • Pitch indicates the speed at which the sample is played. Values higher than 100% indicate a speed-up, values lower than 100% indicate a slowing down.
  • Stop after indicates how long the sample should be played. For example, a value of 100 ms means that the sample will be stopped after 100 ms, regardless of how long the sample is. A value of 0 ms means playing the full sample.
  • Fade in indicates the fade in time for the sample.
  • Duration indicates the duration of the sampler item, before the next item is presented. This doesn’t need to match the length of the sample. For example, the duration of the sampler may be set to 0 ms, to advance directly to the next item (e.g., a sketchpad), while the sample continues playing. In addition to a numeric value, you can set duration to ‘keypress’, to wait for a keyboard press, ‘mouseclick’, to wait for a mouse click, or ‘sound’, to wait until the sampler has finished playing.

Sampling rate

Sound files are always played back at the sampling rate that is used by the OpenSesame sampler back-end. If your sample appears to be sped up or slowed down, you can adjust the sampling rate of your sound file in a sound editor or change the sampling rate used by the OpenSesame sampler back-end (under ‘Show back-end settings and info’ in the General tab).

For more information, see:

Sequence items

In an experiment, you generally have a number of events that occur sequentially. For example, in a trial, you may present a fixation point, followed by a number of stimulus displays, followed in turn by response collection and response logging. This is where the sequence item comes in.

Sequences are sequential

sequences are run from top to bottom, i.e. the first item is the item that is presented at the top. You can change the order of the sequence by picking up items by their grab handle (on the left) and dragging them to a new position. You can remove items from a sequence by right-clicking an item and selecting ‘Delete’.

Appending items to the sequence

You can add items to a sequence by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the tab. The Append existing item button appends an existing item to the sequence table, without creating a new item. This way you can add a single item (a fixation dot display, say) multiple times to a sequence. The Append new item button creates a new item and appends it to the sequence.

Run-if statements

A very convenient feature of the sequence item is that you can use conditional (‘if’) statements to determine whether or not a particular item should be executed. For example, if you want a display to be presented only if a participant has made an incorrect response, you can set the Run-if statement to

[correct] = 0

If you leave the Run-if statement empty or enter ‘always’, the item will always be executed.

For more information, see also:

Sketchpad items

The sketchpad item is the main way to present visual stimuli. The sketchpad provides simple built-in drawing tools that allow you to very easily draw stimulus displays.


The Duration entry can be set to any positive numeric value which reflects the duration of the sketchpad in ms. If you want no duration, for example because the next item is a keyboard_response, you can enter ‘0’. You can also enter ‘keypress’ or ‘mouseclick’ to show a sketchpad until a key is pressed or a mouse button is clicked, respectively.

Note that your experiment will pause for the duration of a sketchpad item, and will not automagically start collecting responses. Therefore, if you want to collect the responses to a sketchpad, you generally set its Duration to 0 ms, and have it followed by a keyboard_response item. This principle is demonstrated in the online tutorials.

Show-if statements

You can use the Show-if field in the sketchpad to specify conditions under which elements should be shown. For example, if you want to have the direction of an arrow depend on the variable cue, you could draw two arrows and use [cue] = left and [cue] = right show-if statements to determine which arrow should be shown on a given trial.

For more information, see:

Sketchpad items are prepared in advance, feedback items are not

For performance considerations, a sketchpad is prepared before the execution of the sequence that it is part of. Therefore, its contents cannot depend on what happens during the sequence (after the sketchpad has already been prepared). This is not the case for feedback items, which are prepared at runtime and can therefore be used to provide immediate feedback to participants.

Synth items

The synth item is a basic sound synthesizer. You can specify a number of options:

  • Waveform can be set to sine, sawtooth, square, or white noise
  • Attack is the time it takes for the sound the reach maximum volume (i.e. fade in).
  • Decay is the time it takes for the sound to die out (i.e. fade out). Note that the decay occurs within the length of the sound.
  • Volume between 0 and 100%
  • Pan turns the right (negative values) or left (positive values) channel down. Setting pan to -20 or 20 completely mutes the right or left channel, respectively.
  • Length indicates the length of the sound (in milliseconds).
  • Duration indicates the duration of the synth item, before the next item is presented. This doesn’t need to match the length of the sound. For example, the duration of the synth may be set to 0ms, in order to advance directly to the next item (e.g., a sketchpad), while the sound continues playing in the background. In addition to a numeric value, you can set the duration to ‘keypress’, to wait for a keyboard press, ‘mouseclick’, to wait for a mouse click, or ‘sound’, to wait until the synth has finished playing.

For more information about sound playback, see:


This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.


The advanced_delay plug-in delays the experiment for a pre-specified average duration plus a random margin.

  • Duration is the average duration of the delay in milliseconds.
  • Jitter is the size of the variation in the delay in milliseconds.
  • Jitter mode is the how the jitter is calculated:
    • Standard deviation will draw the variation from a Gaussian distribution with Jitter as the the standard deviation.
    • Uniform will draw the variation in duration from a uniform distribution.

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Fixation dot

The fixation_dot plug-in is a convenience plug-in. That is, it does nothing that could not be done using a sketchpad item, but is more convenient if you want to present only a central-fixation dot.

The following options are available:

  • Style specifies the style of the fixation dot.
  • Duration should be a positive integer value, ‘keypress’, or ‘mouseclick’, to wait respectively for a specified interval in milliseconds, until a key has been pressed, or until a mouse button has been clicked.
  • Foreground color should be an English color name (e.g., ‘blue’) or an HTML color value (e.g., ‘#0000FF’).
  • Background color should be an English color name (e.g., ‘blue’) or an HTML color value (e.g., ‘#0000FF’).
  • The X and Y coordinates reflect the position of the fixation dot.

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Form_base plug-in

The form_base plug-in allows you to create custom forms through OpenSesame script.

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

The form_consent plug-in provides a basic digital consent form.

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Form_multiple_choice plug-in

The form_multiple_choice plug-in provides a single multiple-choice question.

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Form_text_display plug-in

The form_text_display plug-in is a simple form consisting of a title, content, and an Ok button.

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Form_text_input plug-in

The form_text_input plug-in is a simple multi-character input form consisting of a title, question, and text-input area.

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Joystick plug-in

The joystick plug-in handles input from joystick devices, including trackballs and video-game-style gamepads. Using the joystick module of PyGame, the joystick plug-in allows for the use of a joystick with buttons, axes, trackballs, and hats.

Options and response variables

The joystick plug-in works analogously to the keyboard_response item. For more information, see the keyboard_response-item help or visit:

Button names

Depending on the kind of joystick or gamepad you use, a different number of buttons, axes, tracksballs, and hats are available. Please make sure you know which button corresponds to which button number (same goes for axes, hats and trackballs).

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.


The notepad is a simple plug-in that allows you to annotate your experiment. It does not offer any real functionality.

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.


Tip: This plug-in has the same effect as presenting a feedback item with a duration of 0 ms.

If you do not reset feedback variables, you may confound your feedback with responses that are not relevant to the task. For example, the key presses made during the instruction phase may affect the feedback during the first block of the experiment. Therefore, you will need to reset the feedback variables at appropriate moments.

This plug-in will reset the following variables to 0:

  • total_response_time
  • total_response
  • acc
  • accuracy
  • avg_rt
  • average_response_time

For more information, see:

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.


Tip: Forms provide a more flexible way to present text stimuli and collect text responses.

The text_display item is a convenience plug-in. That is, it does nothing which could not be done using a sketchpad item, but is more convenient if you want to display a large portion of text.

The following options are available:

  • Duration should be a positive integer value, ‘keypress’, or ‘mouseclick’, to wait respectively for a specified interval in milliseconds, until a key has been pressed, or until a mouse button has been clicked.
  • Foreground color should be an English color name (e.g., ‘blue’) or an HTML color value (e.g., ‘#0000FF’).
  • Background color should be an English color name (e.g., ‘blue’) or an HTML color value (e.g., ‘#0000FF’).
  • Font family is mono, sans or serif.
  • Font size reflects the size of the font in points.
  • Align is either left, center, or right.

This is a plug-in and may not be installed by default. For plug-in installation instructions, see here.

Touch response

The touch_response plug-in allows you to work with touch responses (or mouse clicks) in an easy way, by dividing the display into rows and columns. Each response is encoded by a single number, which corresponds to the position counting from left-to-right and top-down. For example, if you have specified 2 columns and 3 rows, the display is divided into the following response regions:

1   2
3   4
5   6

Similarly, if you have specified 4 columns and 1 row, the display is sliced horizontally into the following response regions:

1   2   3   4