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OpenSesame 3.0.0 will bring amazing new features! Curious? Take it for a test spin, and help us iron out the kinks.

Running on a Raspberry Pi


About the Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a computer the size of a credit card. By default, the Pi runs a customized version of Debian Linux called Raspbian.


Figure 1. The Raspberry Pi is nothing more than a print board with some connections. Yet it may be (almost) all you need to run psychological experiments!

See also:

Installing OpenSesame

You can install OpenSesame in Raspbian with the script shown in Listing 1. Change $OSVER to match the latest version of OpenSesame.

OSVER="0.27.4" # Change to latest version of OpenSesame
echo "Installing dependencies"
sudo apt-get install python-pygame python-qt4 python-qscintilla2 python-imaging python-serial python-numpy python-tk
echo "Downloading OpenSesame"
echo "Extracting OpenSesame"
tar xvfz $OSVER.tar.gz
echo "Removing OpenSesame archive"
rm $OSVER.tar.gz
echo "Downloading Faenza icons"
echo "Extracting Faenza icons"
tar xvfz faenza-icons-for-opensesame-$FAENZAVER.tar.gz
echo "Moving Faenza to OpenSesame folder"
mv Faenza OpenSesame-release-$OSVER/resources/theme/default/
echo "Removing Faenza archive"
rm faenza-icons-for-opensesame-$FAENZAVER.tar.gz

Listing 1. Script for installing OpenSesame onto Raspbian.

Running OpenSesame

To start OpenSesame, navigate to the folder where OpenSesame has been installed and execute opensesame or opensesamerun:

cd OpenSesame-release-0.27.4


At the time of testing, the Raspberry Pi does not support hardware-accelerated graphics. This means that only the legacy back-end works.

More information

Some tests and impressions are available here: