Step-by-step tutorial (beginner)
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple but complete psychological experiment using OpenSesame (Mathôt, Schreij, & Theeuwes, 2012). You will use mainly the graphical user interface of OpenSesame (i.e., no Python inline coding), although you will make small modifications to the OpenSesame script.
Figure 1. The gaze-cuing paradigm (Friesen and Kingstone, 1998) that you will implement in this tutorial. This example depicts a trial in the incongruent condition, because the smiley looks at the distractor ('X') and not at the target ('F').
This document provides a detailed click-by-click walk-through. Screenshots are provided, as well as downloadable snapshots of the experiment as it should be after each step of the tutorial. This tutorial will take approximately one hour to complete.
- About OpenSesame
- Resources
- The experiment
- Step 1: Create the main sequence
- Step 2: Create the block sequence
- Step 3: Fill the block loop with independent variables
- Step 4: Add images and sound files to the file pool
- Step 5: Fill the trial sequence with items
- Step 6: Draw the sketchpad items
- Step 7: Configure the keyboard response item
- Step 8: Configure the incorrect (sampler) item
- Step 9: Configure the variable logger
- Step 10: Draw the feedback item
- Step 11: Set the length of the practice phase and experimental phase
- Step 12: Write the instruction, end_of_practice and end_of_experiment forms
- Step 13: Run the experiment!
- Finally: Some general considerations regarding timing and back-end selection
- References
About OpenSesame
OpenSesame is a cross-platform graphical experiment builder. It provides a very simple way to create psychological experiments using a point-and-click interface. For complex experiments, you can use Python inline scripting (not covered in this tutorial).
OpenSesame is freely available under the General Public License v3.
- Download – This tutorial assumes that you are running OpenSesame version 2.9.0 or later. To check which version you are running, see the bottom right of the ‘Get started’ tab (see Figure 2). You can download the most recent version of OpenSesame from:
- Documentation – A dedicated documentation website can be found at:
- Forum – A support forum can be found at:
The experiment
The experiment that you will create is a gaze-cuing paradigm, as introduced by Friesen and Kingstone (1998). A face is presented in the center of the screen (Figure 1). This face looks either to the right or to the left. A target letter (an ‘F’ or an ‘H’) is presented to the left or right of the face. A distractor stimulus (the letter ‘X’) is presented on the other side of the face. The task is to indicate as quickly as possible whether the target letter is an ‘F’ or an ‘H’. In the congruent condition, the face looks at the target. In the incongruent condition, the face looks at the distractor. As you may have guessed, the typical finding is that you are faster in the congruent condition, compared to to the incongruent condition, even though the direction of gaze is not predictive of the target location. This shows that our attention is automatically guided by other people’s gaze, even in situations where this doesn’t serve any purpose. (And even when the face is just a smiley!) Of course, following other people’s gaze is generally not useless at all, so this is actually a good strategy.
The experiment will consist of a practice and an experimental phase. We will present visual feedback after every block of trials and play a sound after every incorrect response.
Step 1: Create the main sequence
The ‘Get started’ tab is the first thing that you see when you start OpenSesame (Figure 2). The box labeled ‘New’ contains a list of available templates, which provide convenient starting points for new experiments. After you saved your experiment the first time, you will see another box labeled ‘Recent’ that shows a list of recently opened experiments.
Figure 2. The 'Get started' dialog on OpenSesame start-up. The box labeled 'Recent' is empty if you start OpenSesame for the first time.
Double-click on ‘Default template’, to start with a minimal experimental template. Save the experiment right away as gaze_cuing.opensesame
By default there is a main sequence
, which is simply called experiment. Click on experiment in the overview area (by default on the left side, see Figure 3) to open its controls in the tab area. The experiment sequence
consists of two items: a notepad
called getting started and a sketchpad
called welcome.
We don’t need these two items. Remove getting_started by right-clicking on it in the overview area and selecting ‘Move to unused items’ (shortcut: Del
). Remove welcome in the same way. The experiment sequence
is now empty.
Figure 3. The default layout of the OpenSesame interface.
Background box
Names vs types – Items in OpenSesame have a name and a type. The name and type can be the same, but they are usually not. For example, a sketchpad
item can have the name my_target_sketchpad. To make this distinction clear, we will use monospace
to indicate item types, and italics to indicate names.
Tip – The ‘Extended template’ is a good starting point for many experiments. It already contains the basic structure of a trial-based experiment.
Tip – You can click on the Help icons in the top right of an item’s tab to get context-sensitive help.
Tip – Save (shortcut: Ctrl+S
) your experiment often! In the unfortunate (and unlikely) event of data loss, you will often be able to recover your work from the back-ups that are created automatically, by default, every 10 minutes (Menu → Tools → Open backup folder).
Tip – Unless you have used ‘Permanently delete’ (shortcut: Shift+Del
), deleted items are still available in the ‘Unused items’ bin, until you select ‘Permanently delete unused items’ in the ‘Unused items’ tab. You can re-add deleted items to a sequence
by dragging them out of the ‘Unused items’ bin to somewhere in your experiment.
Tip – Figure 4 schematically shows the structure of the experiment that you will create. If you get confused during the tutorial, you can refer to Figure 4 to see where you are.
Figure 4. A schematic representation of the structure of the 'Gaze cuing' experiment. The item types are in bold face, item names in regular face.
Append a form_text_display item for the instruction display
As the name suggests, a form_text_display
is a form that displays text. We are going to use a form_text_display
to give instructions to the participant at the beginning of the experiment.
Click on experiment in the overview area to open its controls in the tab area. You will see an empty sequence
. Drag a form_text_display
from the item toolbar (under ‘Form’, see Figure 3) onto the experiment sequence
in the tab area. When you let go, a new form_text_display
item will be inserted into the sequence
. (We will get back to this in Step 12.)
Background box
Tip – You can drag items into the overview area and into sequence
Tip – If a drop action is ambiguous, a pop-up menu will ask you what you want to do.
Tip – A form_text_display
only shows text. If you require images etc., you can use a sketchpad
item. We will meet the sketchpad
in Step 5.
Append a loop item, containing a new sequence item, for the practice phase
We need to append a loop
item to the experiment sequence
. We will use this loop
for the practice phase of the experiment. Click on the experiment sequence
to open its controls in the tab area.
Drag the loop
item from the item toolbar into the sequence
just the way you added the form_text_display
. New items are inserted below the item that they are dropped on, so if you drop the new loop
onto the previously created form_text_display
, it will appear where you want it: after the form_text_display
. But don’t worry if you drop a new item in the wrong place, because you can always re-order things later.
A loop
does not do anything by itself. A loop
always needs another item to run. Therefore you have to fill the new loop
item with another item (You will also see a warning written in red telling you that ‘no item to run specified’ in the tab area, if you select this loop
item). Drag a sequence
item from the item toolbar onto the loop
item. A pop-up menu will appear, asking you whether you want to insert the sequence
after the loop
item, or use the sequence
as the loop
’s item to run. Select ‘Set as item to run for loop’. (We will get back to this in Step 2.)
Background box
What is a loop
item? – A loop
is an item that adds structure to your experiment. It repeatedly runs another item, typically a sequence
. A loop
is also the place where you will usually define your independent variables, the things that you manipulate in your experiment.
What is a sequence
item? – A sequence
item also adds structure to your experiment. As the name suggests, a sequence
runs multiple other items in sequence.
The loop
structure – You often want to repeat a sequence of events. To do this, you will need a loop
item that contains a sequence
item. By itself, a sequence
does not repeat. It simply starts with the first item and ends with the last item. By ‘wrapping’ a loop
item around the sequence
, you can repeat the sequence
multiple times. For example, a single trial will usually correspond to a single sequence
called trial_sequence. A loop
(often called block_loop) around this trial_sequence would then constitute a single block of trials. Similarly, but at another level of the experiment, a sequence
(often called block_sequence) may contain a single block of trials, followed by a feedback
display. A practice_phase loop
around this ‘block’ sequence
would then constitute the practice phase of the experiment. This may seem a bit abstract right now, but as you follow this tutorial, you will become familiar with the use of loop
s and sequence
Tip – For more information about sequence
s and loop
s, see:
Append a new form_text_display item for the end-of-practice message
After the practice phase, we want to inform the participant that the real experiment will begin. For this we need another form_text_display
. Go back to the experiment sequence
, and drag a form_text_display
from the item toolbar onto the loop
item. The same pop-up menu will appear as before. This time, select ‘Insert after loop’. (We will get back to this in Step 12.)
Tip – Don’t worry if you have accidentally changed a loop
’s item to run. You can undo this easily by dragging the loop
’s original item to run back to the loop
, or by selecting the correct item to run from the drop-down box in the loop
Append a new loop item, containing the previously created sequence, for the experimental phase
We need a loop
item for the experimental phase, just like for the practice phase. Therefore, drag a loop
from the item toolbar menu onto _form_text_display.
The newly created loop
(called _loop) is empty, and should be filled with a sequence
, just like before. However, because the trials of the practice and experimental phase are identical, they can use the same sequence
. Therefore, instead of dragging a new sequence
from the item toolbar, you can re-use the existing one (i.e. create a linked copy). To do this, drag the previously created sequence
from the overview area onto _loop while holding the Ctrl
key pressed. In the pop-up menu that appears, select ‘Set as item to run for _loop’.
Background box
Tip — There is an important distinction between linked and unlinked copies. If you create a linked copy of an item, you create another occurrence of the same item. Therefore, if you modify the original item, the linked copy will change as well. In contrast, if you create an unlinked copy of an item, the copy will be initially look identical (except for its name), but you can edit the original without affecting the unlinked copy, and vice versa. Important: If you create an unlinked copy of a sequence
or loop
, you do not automatically create unlinked copies of all child items. In this sense, an unlinked copy in OpenSesame is different from what computer scientists call a deep copy.
Tip — You can create linked and unlinked copies as follows:
- To create a linked copy, hold
while dragging and dropping an item, or right-click on an item and select ‘Create linked copy’. - To create an unlinked copy, hold
while dragging and dropping an item, or right-click on an item and select ‘Create unlinked copy’.
Append a new form_text_display item, for the goodbye message
When the experiment is finished, we should inform the participant. For this we need another form_text_display
item. Go back to the experiment sequence
, and drag form_text_display
from the item toolbar onto _loop. In the pop-up menu that appears, select ‘Insert after _loop’. (We will get back to this in Step 12.)
Give the new items sensible names
By default, new items have names like sequence and _form_text_display. It is good practice to give items sensible names. This makes it much easier to understand the structure of the experiment. If you want, you can also add a description to each item. Renaming items is very easy. Item names must consist of alphanumeric characters and/or underscores.
- Select form_text_display in the overview area, click on its label in the top of the tab area and rename the item to instructions. (Overview-area shortcut:
) - Select loop in the overview area and rename it to practice_loop.
- Select sequence (under practice_loop) in the overview area and rename it to block_sequence. Because you have re-used this item in the experimental_loop, the name automatically changes there as well. This illustrates why it is efficient to create linked copies whenever this is possible.
- Rename _form_text_display to end_of_practice.
- Rename _loop to experimental_loop.
- Rename __form_text_display to end_of_experiment.
Give the whole experiment a sensible name.
The experiment in its entirety also has a name (a title, in this context) and a description. Click on ‘New experiment’ in the overview area. You can rename the experiment in the same way as you renamed its items. The title currently is ‘New experiment’. Rename the experiment to ‘Tutorial: Gaze cuing’. Note that, unlike item names, the experiment title may contain spaces etc.
The overview area of your experiment now looks like Figure 5. This would be a good time to save your experiment (shortcut: Ctrl+S
). You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 5. The overview area at the end of the step 1.
Background box
Tip — If you don’t like having many tabs open, you can close all tabs except the currently opened one by clicking on the ‘Close other tabs’ button in the main toolbar (shortcut: Ctrl+T
Tip — You can enable ‘one tab mode’ (Menu → View → One tab mode) to prevent multiple tabs from opening simultaneously.
Step 2: Create the block sequence
Click on block_sequence in the overview. At the moment this sequence
is empty. We want block sequence to consist of a block of trials, followed by a feedback
display. For this we need to do the following:
Append a reset_feedback item to reset the feedback variables
We don’t want our feedback to be confounded by key presses that participants have made during the instruction phase (or during previous blocks of trials). Therefore, we start each block of trials by resetting the feedback variables. To do this we need a reset_feedback
item. Grab reset_feedback
from the item toolbar (under ‘Response collection’) and drag it onto block_sequence.
Append a new loop, containing a new sequence, for a block of trials
For a single trial we need a sequence
. For a block of trials, we need to repeat this sequence
multiple times. Therefore, for a block of trials we need to wrap a loop
around a sequence
. Drag a loop
from the item toolbar onto reset_feedback. Next, drag a sequence
from the item toolbar onto the newly created loop
, and select ‘Set as item to run for loop’ in the pop-up menu that appears. (We will get back to this in Step 3.)
Append a feedback item
After every block of trials we want to give feedback to the participant, so that the participant knows how well he/ she is doing. For this we need a feedback
item. Drag a feedback
from the item toolbar onto loop, and select ‘Insert after loop’ in the pop-up menu that appears. (We will get back to this in Step 10.)
Give the new items sensible names
Rename loop to block_loop and sequence to trial_sequence. (See Step 1 if you don’t remember how to do this.) The names reset_feedback and feedback are fine as they are.
The overview of your experiment now looks like Figure 6. Remember to save your experiment regularly. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 6. The overview area at the end of Step 2.
Step 3: Fill the block loop with independent variables
As the name suggests, block_loop corresponds to a single block of trials. In the previous step we created the block_loop, but we still need to ‘fill’ it with independent variables, which will be varied within the block. Our experiment has three independent variables:
- gaze_cue can be ‘left’ or ‘right’.
- target_pos (the position of the target) can be ‘-300’ or ‘300’. These values reflect the X-coordinate of the target in pixels (0 = center). Using the coordinates directly, rather than ‘left’ and ‘right’, will be convenient when we create the target displays (see Step 5).
- target_letter (the target letter) can be ‘F’ or ‘H’.
Therefore, our experiment has 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 levels. Although 8 levels is not that many (most experiments will have more), we don’t need to type in all the possible combinations of variables by hand. Click on block_loop in the overview to open its tab. Now click on the ‘Variable wizard’ button. In the variable wizard, you simply define all variables by typing the name in the first row and the levels in the rows below the name (see Figure 7). If you select ‘Ok’, you will see that block_loop has been filled with all 8 possible combinations. That’s convenient!
Figure 7. The loop variable wizard in Step 3.
However, we are not done yet. There are two more variables that we need to add: the location of the distractor and the correct response.
- dist_pos – Click on ‘Add variable’ and type ‘dist_pos 300’ in the dialog that appears. This will create a variable called ‘dist_pos’, with the value ‘300’. Change the value of ‘dist_pos’ to ‘-300’ in every row where ‘target_pos’ is ‘300’. By doing this, we make sure that the distractor is always presented opposite from the target.
- correct_response – Click on ‘Add variable’ and type ‘correct_response’ in the dialog that appears. Change ‘correct_response’ to ‘m’ where ‘target_letter’ is ‘H’. This means that the participant should press the ‘z’ key if he/ she sees an ‘F’ and the ‘m’ key if he/ she sees an ‘H’.
Add one more variable which indicates if the face was looking at the target letter or at the distractor.
- congruency – Click on ‘Add variable’ and type ‘congruency’ in the dialog that appears. Change ‘congruency’ to ‘congruent’ where ‘target_pos’ is ‘-300’ and ‘gaze_cue’ is ‘left’, and where ‘target_pos’ is ‘300’ and ‘gaze_cue’ is ‘right’ (these are the values with which the face will look at the targer letter). Change the value of ‘congruency’ to ‘incronguent’ of the rows in which the face will look at the distractor. Thus, where ‘target_pos’ is ‘-300’ and ‘gaze_cue’ is ‘right’, and where ‘target_pos’ is ‘300’ and ‘gaze_cue’ is ‘left’.
This variable is useful if you want to analyze your data later on. If you don’t add this variable here, you will have still have to manually specify later whether the cue was valid or not.
There is one last thing to be done. ‘Repeat’ is currently set to ‘1.00’. This means that each cycle will be executed once. So the block now consists of 8 trials, which is a bit short. A reasonable length for a block of trials is 24, so set ‘Repeat’ to 3.00 (3 repeats x 8 cycles = 24 trials). You don’t need to change ‘Order’, because ‘random’ is exactly what we want.
The block_loop now looks like Figure 8. Remember to save your experiment regularly. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 8. The block_loop at the end of Step 3.
Background box
Tip – You can prepare your variable list in your favorite spreadsheet program and copy-paste it into the loop
variable table. In this case, you first need to set ‘Cycles’ to the correct number of trials.
Tip – ‘Cycles’ refers to the number of distinct trials. ‘Repeat’ refers to the number of times that every trial occurs. Therefore, a block consists of ‘Cycles’ x ‘Repeat’ trials.
Tip – You can set ‘Repeat’ to a non-integer number. For example, by setting ‘Repeat’ to ‘0.5’, only half the trials (randomly selected) are executed.
Step 4: Add images and sound files to the file pool
We will not actually draw the stimuli in this experiment, but use images from file. In addition, we will play a sound if the participant makes an error. For this we need a sound file.
You can download the required files here (in most webbrowsers you can right-click the links and choose ‘Save Link As’ or a similar option):
After you have downloaded these files (to your desktop, for example), you can add them to the file pool. If the file pool is not already visible (by default on the right side of the window), click on the ‘Show file pool’ button in the main toolbar (shortcut: Ctrl+P
). The easiest way to add the four files to the file pool is to drag them from the desktop (or wherever you have downloaded the files to) into the file pool. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘+’ button in the file pool and add files using the file select dialog that appears. The file pool will be automatically saved with your experiment if you save your experiment in the .opensesame.tar.gz
format (which is the default format).
Your file pool now looks like Figure 9. Remember to save your experiment regularly. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 9. The file pool at the end of Step 4.
Background box
Tip — So far you may have saved your experiment in .opensesame
format. If so, from now you should save your experiment in .opensesame.tar.gz
format. Otherwise the files in the file pool will not be saved along with your experiment.
Step 5: Fill the trial sequence with items
A trial in our experiment is fairly straightforward:
- Fixation dot – 750 ms,
item - Neutral gaze – 750 ms,
item - Gaze cue – 500 ms,
item - Target – 0 ms,
item - Response collection –
item - Play a sound if response was incorrect –
item - Log response to file –
Click on trial_sequence in the overview to open the trial_sequence tab. Select sketchpad
in the item toolbar and drag it into the ‘trial_sequence’ four times. Next, select and append a keyboard_response
item, a sampler
item, and a logger
Again, we will rename the new items, to make sure that the trial_sequence is easy to understand. Rename sketchpad to fixation_dot, _sketchpad to neutral_gaze, __sketchpad to gaze_cue, ___sketchpad to target, and sampler to incorrect_sound. (See Step 1 if you don’t remember how to do this.)
The incorrect_sound item should only be executed if an error was made. To do this, we need to change the conditional statement (in the ‘Run if …’ field) to [correct] = 0
in the trial_sequence tab. This works, because the keyboard_response item automatically creates a correct
variable, which is set to 1
(correct), 0
(incorrect) or undefined
(this relies on the correct_response
variable that was defined in Step 3). The square brackets indicate that correct
should be interpreted as the name of a variable and not as text. To change a run-if statement for an item in a sequence
, simply double click on it (shortcut: F3
The trial_sequence now looks like Figure 10. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 10. The trial_sequence at the end of Step 5.
Background box
What is a sketchpad
item? – As the name suggests, a sketchpad
is used to present visual stimuli. This includes text, geometric shapes, fixation dots, Gabor patches, etc. You can draw on the sketchpad
using the built-in drawing tools.
What is a keyboard_response
item? – As the name suggests, a keyboard_response
item collects a participant’s response from the keyboard.
What is a sampler
item? – A sampler
item plays a sound from a sound file.
What is a logger
item? – A logger
item writes data to the log file. This is very important, because if you forget to include a logger
item, no data will be logged during the experiment!
Tip – Variables and conditional “if” statements are very powerful! To learn more about them, see:
Step 6: Draw the sketchpad items
The sketchpad
items that we have created in Step 5 are still blank. It’s time to do some drawing!
Set the background color to white
Click on fixation_dot in the overview area to open its tab. You can see that the sketchpad
is black, while the images that we have downloaded have a white background. Oops, we forgot to set the background color of the experiment to white (it is black by default)! Click on ‘Tutorial: Gaze cuing’ in the overview area to open the ‘General properties’ tab. Change ‘Foreground color’ to ‘black’ and ‘Background color’ to ‘white’.
Background box
Tip – For more fine-grained control over colors, you can also use the hexadecimal RGB notation (e.g., #FF000
for red) or use the color-picker tool.
Draw the fixation dot
Go back to the fixation_dot by clicking on fixation_dot in the overview. You can draw on the sketchpad
right away, but (unless your screen is really large) it looks a bit cramped. Therefore, click on ‘Toggle pop-out’ in the top right corner to open the sketchpad
editor in a separate window. Now select the fixation-dot tool by clicking on the button with the small black dot. If you move your cursor over the sketchpad, you can see the screen coordinates in the top-right. Set the (foreground) color to ‘black’. Click on the center of the screen (0, 0) to draw a central fixation dot. Click again on ‘toggle pop-out’ to get back to the default OpenSesame interface.
Finally, change the ‘Duration’ field from ‘keypress’ to ‘745’, because we want the fixation dot to be presented for 750 ms. Wait … why didn’t we just specify a duration of 750 ms? The reason for this is that the actual display-presentation duration is always rounded up to a value that is compatible with your monitor’s refresh rate. This may sound complicated, but for most purposes the following rules of thumb are sufficient:
- Choose a duration that is possible given your monitor’s refresh rate. For example, if your monitor’s refresh rate is 60 Hz, it means that every frame lasts 16.7 ms (= 1000 ms/60 Hz). Therefore, on a 60 Hz monitor, you should always select a duration that is a multiple of 16.7 ms, such as 16.7, 33.3, 50, 100, etc.
- In the duration field of the
specify a duration that is a few milliseconds shorter than what you’re aiming for. So if you want to present asketchpad
for 50 ms, choose a duration of 45. If you want to present asketchpad
for 1000 ms, choose a duration of 995. Etcetera.
Background box
Tip – For a detailed discussion of experimental timing, see:
Tip – The duration of a sketchpad
can be a value in milliseconds, but you can also enter ‘keypress’ or ‘mouseclick’ to collect a keyboard press or mouse click respectively. In this case a sketchpad
will work much the same as a keyboard_response
item (but with fewer options).
Tip – Make sure that the (foreground) color is set to black. Otherwise you will draw white on white and won’t see anything!
Draw the neutral gaze
Open the neutral_gaze sketchpad
. Now select the image tool by clicking on the button with the moon-mountain-landscape-like icon. Click on the center of the screen (0, 0). The ‘Select file from pool’ dialog will appear. Select the file gaze_neutral.png
and click on the ‘Select’ button. The neutral gaze image will now stare at you from the center of the screen! Finally, like before, change the ‘Duration’ field from ‘keypress’ to ‘745’. (And note again that this means a duration of 750 ms on most monitors!)
Background box
Tip – OpenSesame can handle a wide variety of image formats. However, some (non-standard) .bmp
formats are known to cause trouble. If you find that a .bmp
image is not shown, you may want to consider using a different format, such as .png
. You can convert images easily with free tools such as GIMP.
Draw the gaze cue
Open the gaze_cue sketchpad
, and select again the image tool. Click on the center of the screen (0, 0) and select the file gaze_left.png
Obviously, we are not done yet, because the gaze cue should not always be ‘left’, but should depend on the variable gaze_cue
, which we have defined in Step 3. However, by drawing the gaze_left.png
image to the sketchpad
, we have generated a script that needs only a tiny modification to make sure that the proper image is shown. Click on the ‘Select view’ button at the top-right of the gaze_cue tab and select ‘View script’. You will now see the script that corresponds to the sketchpad that we have just created:
set duration "keypress"
draw image 0 0 "gaze_left.png" scale=1 center=1 z_index=0 show_if="always"
The only thing that we have to do is replace gaze_left.png
with gaze_[gaze_cue].png
. This means that OpenSesame uses the variable gaze_cue
(which has the values left
and right
) to determine which image should be shown.
While we are at it, we might as well change the duration to ‘495’ (rounded up to 500!). The script now looks like this:
set duration "495"
draw image 0 0 "gaze_[gaze_cue].png" scale=1 center=1 z_index=0 show_if="always"
Click the ‘Apply and close’ button at the top right to apply your changes to the script and return to the regular item controls. You will see a message saying that the image is unknown or variably defined, and is therefore not shown. Don’t worry, it will be shown during the experiment!
Background box
Tip – If you use a variable in OpenSesame script, you need to know the exact name of the variable. If you don’t remember the exact name of a certain variable (e.g. if you don’t remember whether you used a capital or not), you can click the ‘Variable inspector’ button in the main toolbar (shortcut: Ctrl+I
). The Variable inspector provides a list of all variables used in your experiment (see Figure 11).
Figure 11. The variable inspector is a convenient way to get an overview of the variables that exist in your experiment.
Draw the target
We want three objects to be part of the target display: the target letter, the distractor letter, and the gaze cue (see Figure 1). Like before, we will start by creating a static display using the sketchpad
editor. After this, we will only need to make minor changes to the script so that the exact display depends on the variables.
Click on target in the overview to open the target tab and like before, draw the gaze_left.png
image at the center of the screen. Now select the draw text tool by clicking on the button with the ‘A’ icon. The default font size is 18pt, which is a bit small for our purpose, so change the font size to 32pt. Now click on (-320, 0) in the sketchpad
(the X-coordinate does not need to be exactly 320, since we will change this to a variable anyway). Enter “[target_letter]” in the dialog that appears, to draw the target letter (when drawing text, you can use variables directly). Similarly, click on (320, 0) and draw an ‘X’ (the distractor is always an ‘X’).
Now open the script editor by clicking on the ‘Select view’ button at the top-right of the tab and selecting ‘View script’. The script looks like this:
set duration "keypress"
draw image 0 0 "gaze_left.png" scale=1 center=1 z_index=0 show_if="always"
draw textline -320 0 "[target_letter]" center=1 color="black" font_family="mono" font_size=32 font_bold="no" font_italic="no" html="yes" z_index=0 show_if="always"
draw textline 320 0 "X" center=1 color="black" font_family="mono" font_size=32 font_bold="no" font_italic="no" html="yes" z_index=0 show_if="always"
Like before, change gaze_left.png
to gaze_[gaze_cue].png
. We also need to make the position of the target and the distractor depend on the variables target_pos
and dist_pos
respectively. To do this, simply change -320
to [target_pos]
and 320
to [dist_pos]
. Make sure that you leave the 0
, which is the Y-coordinate. The script now looks like this:
set duration "keypress"
draw image 0 0 "gaze_[gaze_cue].png" scale=1 center=1 z_index=0 show_if="always"
draw textline "[target_pos]" 0 "[target_letter]" center=1 color="black" font_family="mono" font_size=32 font_bold="no" font_italic="no" html="yes" z_index=0 show_if="always"
draw textline "[dist_pos]" 0 "X" center=1 color="black" font_family="mono" font_size=32 font_bold="no" font_italic="no" html="yes" z_index=0 show_if="always"
Click on the “Apply” button to apply the script and go back to the regular item controls.
Finally, set the ‘Duration’ field to ‘0’. This does not mean that the target is presented for only 0 ms, but that the experiment will advance to the next item (the keyboard_response) right away. Since the keyboard_response waits for a response, but doesn’t change what’s on the screen, the target will remain visible until a response has been given.
Remember to save your experiment regularly. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Background box
Tip – Each element of a sketchpad
has a ‘show if’ option, which specifies when the element should be shown. You can use this to hide/ show elements from a sketchpad
depending on certain variables.
Tip – Make sure that the (foreground) color is set to black. Otherwise you will draw white on white and won’t see anything!
Step 7: Configure the keyboard response item
Click on keyboard_response in the overview to open its tab. You will see three options: Correct response, Allowed responses, and Timeout.
We have already set the correct_response
variable in Step 3, so we don’t need to set it here. If we do, we will simply override the previously set correct response, which is definitely not what we want.
We do need to set the allowed responses. Enter ‘z;m’ in the allowed-responses field. The semicolon is used to separate responses. The keyboard_response
now only accepts ‘z’ and ‘m’ keys. All other key presses are ignored, with the exception of ‘escape’, which aborts the experiment.
We also want to set a timeout, which is the maximum interval that the keyboard_response
waits before deciding that the response was incorrect and setting the ‘response’ variable to ‘timeout’. ‘2000’ (ms) is a good value.
The keyboard_response
now looks like Figure 12. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 12. The keyboard_response
at the end of Step 7.
Background box
Tip – By default, the keyboard_response
will use the correct_response
variable to determine whether a response was correct. But you can use a different variable as well. To do this, enter a variable name between square brackets ([my_variable]
) in the correct response field.
Tip – If ‘flush pending key presses’ is enabled (it is by default), all pending key presses are discarded when the keyboard_response
item is called. This prevents carry-over effects, which might otherwise occur if the participant accidentally presses a key during a non-response part of the trial.
Tip – To use special keys, such as ‘/’ or the up-arrow key, you can use key names (e.g., ‘up’ and ‘space’) or associated characters (e.g., ‘/’ and ‘]’). The ‘List available keys’ button provides an overview of all valid key names.
Step 8: Configure the incorrect (sampler) item
The incorrect_sound item doesn’t need much work. Essentially we only need to select the sound that should be played. Click on incorrect_sound in the overview to open its tab. Click on the ‘Browse’ button and select incorrect.ogg
from the file pool.
The sampler now looks like Figure 13. You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 13. The incorrect_sound item at the end of Step 8.
Background box
Tip – You can use variables to specify which sound should be played by using a variable name between square brackets as (part of) the file name. For example, [a_word].ogg
Tip – The sampler
handles files in .ogg
and .wav
format. If you have sound files in a different format, Audacity is a great free tool to convert sound files (and much more).
Step 9: Configure the variable logger
Actually, we don’t need to configure the variable logger
, but let’s take a look at it anyway. Click on logger in the overview to open its tab. You will see that the option ‘Automatically detect and log all variables’ is selected. This means that OpenSesame logs everything, which is fine.
Background box
Tip – If you like your log-files clean, you can disable the auto-detect option and manually select variables to log or use the ‘Smart select’ button. ‘Smart select’ will select 1) all variables that are defined in the loop
s, 2) all variables offered by the response items, and 3) the count_[item name]
variables of all sequence
items, which keep track of how often a particular sequence
has been executed (essentially these are trial and block counters).
The one tip to rule them all – Always triple-check whether all the necessary variables are logged in your experiment! The best way to check this is to run the experiment and investigate the resulting log files.
Step 10: Draw the feedback item
After every block of trials, we want to present feedback to the participant to let him/ her know how well he/ she is doing. Therefore, in Step 2, we added a feedback
item, simply named feedback to the end of block_sequence.
Click on feedback in the overview to open its tab and select the draw text tool and click at (0, -128). Enter “Your average response time was [avg_rt]ms”. Similarly, draw “Your accuracy was [acc]%” at (0, -64) and “Press any key to continue …” at (0, 64). Because we want the feedback item to remain visible as long as the participant wants (i.e. until he/ she presses a key), we leave ‘Duration’ field set to ‘keypress’.
The feedback item now looks like Figure 14 You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Figure 14. The feedback item at the end of Step 10.
Background box
What is a feedback item? – A feedback
item is almost the same as a sketchpad
item. The only difference is that a feedback
item is not prepared in advance. This means that you can use it to present feedback, which requires up-to-date information about a participant’s response. You should not use feedback
items to present time critical displays, since the fact that it is prepared ‘at runtime’ means that its timing properties are not as good as that of the sketchpad
Feedback and variables – Response items automatically keep track of the accuracy and average response time of the participant in the variables ‘acc’ (synonym: ‘accuracy’) and ‘avg_rt’ (synonym: ‘average_response_time’) respectively. See also:
Tip – Make sure that the (foreground) color is set to black. Otherwise you will draw white on white and won’t see anything!
Tip – For more information about feedback, see:
Step 11: Set the length of the practice phase and experimental phase
We have previously created the practice_loop and experiment_loop items, which both call block_sequence (i.e., a block of trials). However, right now they call block_sequence only once, which means that both the practice and the experimental phase consist of only a single block of trials.
Click on practice_loop to open its tab and set ‘Repeat’ to ‘2.00’. This means that the practice phase consists of two blocks.
Click on experimental_loop to open its tab and set ‘Repeat’ to ‘8.00’. This means that the experimental phase consists of eight blocks.
You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Background box
Tip – You can create a variable practice
in both practice_loop and experimental_loop and set it respectively to ‘yes’ and ‘no’. This is an easy way of keeping track of which trials were part of the practice phase.
Step 12: Write the instruction, end_of_practice and end_of_experiment forms
I think you can handle this step your own! Simply open the appropriate tabs and add some text to present instructions, an end-of-practice message and an end-of-experiment message.
You can download the experiment up to this point here:
Background box
Tip – You can use a subset of HTML tags to format your text. For example, <b>this will be bold<b> and <span color=’red’>this will be red<span>. For more information, see:
Step 13: Run the experiment!
You’re done! Click on the ‘Run in window’ (shortcut: Ctrl+W
) or ‘Run fullscreen’ (shortcut: Ctrl+R
) buttons in the toolbar to run your experiment.
You can download the finished experiment here:
Background box
Tip – If you want to give your experiment a test run without having to press any keys, you can activate the auto response option (Menu → Run → Enable auto response). In this mode, OpenSesame will simulate the participant’s responses.
Tip – A test run is executed even faster by clicking the orange ‘Run in window’ button (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+W
), which doesn’t ask you how to save the logfile (and should therefore only be used for testing purposes).
Finally: Some general considerations regarding timing and back-end selection
In the ‘General properties’ tab of the experiment, you can select a back-end. The back-end is the layer of software that controls the display, input devices, sound, etc. Most experiments will work with all back-ends, but there are reasons to prefer one back-end over the other, mostly related to timing. Currently there are three back-ends (depending on your system, not all three may be available):
- legacy – a ‘safe’ back-end, based on PyGame. It provides reliable performance on most platforms, but, due to a lack of hardware acceleration, its timing properties are not as good as those of the other back-ends.
- psycho – a hardware accelerated back-end, based on PsychoPy (Peirce, 2007).
- xpyriment – a hardware-accelerated back-end, based on Expyriment (Krause & Lindeman, 2013)
- droid – a back-end that allows you to run your experiment on an Android device with the OpenSesame runtime for Android.
A detailed discussion of timing-related issues can be found here:
See also Damian (2010), Brand and Bradley (2011), and Ulrich and Giray (1989) for some general considerations about when to worry, and when not to worry about timing.
Brand, A., & Bradley, M. T. (2011). Assessing the effects of technical variance on the statistical outcomes of web experiments measuring response times. Social Science Computer Review. doi:10.1177/0894439311415604
Damian, M. F. (2010). Does variability in human performance outweigh imprecision in response devices such as computer keyboards? Behavior Research Methods, 42, 205-211. doi:10.3758/BRM.42.1.205
Friesen, C. K., & Kingstone, A. (1998). The eyes have it! Reflexive orienting is triggered by nonpredictive gaze. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 5, 490–495. doi:10.3758/BF03208827
Krause, F., & Lindemann, O. (2013). Expyriment: A Python library for cognitive and neuroscientific experiments. Behavior Research Methods. doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0390-6
Mathôt, S., Schreij, D., & Theeuwes, J. (2012). OpenSesame: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 44(2), 314-324. doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0168-7
Peirce, J. W. (2007). PsychoPy: Psychophysics software in Python. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 162(1-2), 8-13. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2006.11.017
Ulrich, R., & Giray, M. (1989). Time resolution of clocks: Effects on reaction time measurement—Good news for bad clocks. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 42(1), 1-12. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8317.1989.tb01111.x