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Checkbox functions

class Checkbox

The Checkbox widget is a checkable box accompanied by a string of text.

Example (OpenSesame script):

widget 0 0 1 1 checkbox group="group" text="Option 1"
widget 0 1 1 1 checkbox group="group" text="Option 2"

Example (Python):

form = Form()
checkbox1 = Checkbox(text='Option 1', group='group')
checkbox2 = Checkbox(text='Option 2', group='group')
form.set_widget(checkbox1, (0,0))
form.set_widget(checkbox2, (0,1))

function Checkbox.__init__(form, text=u'checkbox', frame=False, group=None, checked=False, click_accepts=False, var=None)

Constructor to create a new Checkbox object. You do not generally call this constructor directly, but use the Checkbox() factory function, which is described here: /python/common/.


  • form -- The parent form.
    • Type: form


  • text -- Checkbox text.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'checkbox'
  • frame -- Indicates whether a frame should be drawn around the widget.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • group -- If a group is specified, checking one checkbox from the group will uncheck all other checkboxes in that group. Checkboxes that are part of a group cannot be unchecked, except by clicking on another checkbox in the group. The group keyword also affects how variables are stored (see the var keyword).
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • checked -- The initial checked state of the checkbox.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • click_accepts -- Indicates whether a click press should accept and close the form.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • var -- The name of the experimental variable that should be used to log the widget status. This variable will contain a semi-colon separated list of the text of all checked checkboxes in the same group, or 'no' if no checkbox in the group is checked. For the purpose of the variable, all checkboxes that are not part of a group are placed in the same group. For more information about the use of response variables in forms, see the form documentation page.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None

function Checkbox._init_canvas_elements()

Initializes all canvas elements.

function Checkbox._update()

Draws the widget.

function Checkbox._update_frame(rect=None, style=u'normal')

Draws a simple frame around the widget.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple for the frame geometry or None to use the widget geometry.
    • Type: tuple, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • style -- A visual style. Should be 'normal', 'active', or 'light'.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'normal'

function Checkbox._update_text(text)

Draws text inside the widget.


  • text -- The text to draw.
    • Type: str, unicode

function Checkbox.coroutine()

Implements the interaction. This can be overridden to implement more complicated keyboard/ mouse interactions.

function Checkbox.on_key_press(key)

Is called whenever the widget is focused and the users enters a key.


  • key -- A key
    • Type: str

function Checkbox.on_mouse_click(pos)

Is called whenever the user clicks on the widget. Toggles the state of the checkbox.


  • pos -- An (x, y) coordinate tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function Checkbox.set_checked(checked=True)

Sets the checked status of the checkbox.


  • checked -- The checked status.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: True

function Checkbox.set_rect(rect)

Sets the widget geometry.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function Checkbox.set_var(val, var=None)

Sets an experimental variable.


  • val -- A value.
    • Type: str, unicode


  • var -- A variable name, or None to use widget default.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
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