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Python videos

Form functions

class Form

The Form is a container for widgets, such as labels, etc. If you use the form_base plug-in in combination with OpenSesame script, you do not need to explicitly create a Form object. However, if you use Python inline code, you do.


form = Form()
label = Label(text='label)
form.set_widget(label, (0,0))

function Form.__init__(experiment, cols=2, rows=2, spacing=10, margins=(100, 100, 100, 100), theme=u'gray', item=None, timeout=None, clicks=False, validator=None)

Constructor to create a new Form object. You do not generally call this constructor directly, but use the Form() factory function, which is described here: /python/common/.


  • experiment -- An OpenSesame experiment.
    • Type: experiment


  • cols -- The number of columns (as int) or a list that specifies the number and relative size of the columns. For example, [1,2,1] will create 3 columns where the middle one is twice as large as the outer ones.
    • Type: int, list
    • Default: 2
  • rows -- Analogous to cols, but for the rows.
    • Type: int, list
    • Default: 2
  • spacing -- The amount of empty space between widgets (in pixels).
    • Type: int
    • Default: 10
  • margins -- The amount of empty space around the form. This is specified as a list, like so [top-margin, right-margin, bottom-margin, left-margin].
    • Type: list
    • Default: (100, 100, 100, 100)
  • theme -- The theme for the widgets.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'gray'
  • item -- The item of which the form is part.
    • Type: item, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • timeout -- A timeout value in milliseconds, or None if no timeout exists.
    • Type: int, float, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • clicks -- If enabled, an auditory click is played on user interactions. This can help to make interactions feel smoother if there is some visual lag.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • validator -- A function that takes no arguments and returns True if the foru is successfully validated, and False if not.
    • Type: FunctionType, NoneType
    • Default: None

function Form._exec(focus_widget=None)

Executes the form.


  • focus_widget -- A widget that is in the form and should receive a virtual mouse click when the form is opened. This allows you to activate a text_input right away, for example, so that the user doesn't have to click on it anymore.
    • Type: widget, NoneType
    • Default: None


Gives the return value of the form, which depends on how the user interacted with the widgets. For example, if the user pressed a button, the button text will be returned. If a timeout occurred, None will be returned.

function Form.cell_index(pos)

Converts a position to a cell index. A cell index corresponds to the number of the cell in the form, from left-to-right, top-to-bottom.


  • pos -- A position in the form, which can be an index (int) or a (column, row) tuple.
    • Type: int, tuple


A cell index.

  • Type: int

function Form.set_widget(widget, pos, colspan=1, rowspan=1)

Adds a widget to the form.


  • widget -- The widget to add.
    • Type: widget
  • pos -- The position to add the widget, which can be an index or a (column, row) tuple.
    • Type: int, tuple


  • colspan -- The number of columns that the widget should span.
    • Type: int
    • Default: 1
  • rowspan -- The number of rows that the widget should span.
    • Type: int
    • Default: 1

function Form.xy_to_index(xy)

Converts a coordinate in pixels to a cell index. This allows you to determine on which widget a user has clicked.


  • xy -- An (x,y) coordinates tuple.
    • Type: tuple


A cell index.

  • Type: int
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