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Image_button functions

class ImageButton

The image_button widget is a clickable image.

Example (OpenSesame script):

widget 0 0 1 1 image_button path='5.png' var='response'

Example (Python):

form = Form()
# The full path to the image needs to be provided.
# self.experiment.pool can be used to retrieve the full path
# to an image in the file pool.
image_button = ImageButton(path=pool['5.png'], var='response')
form.set_widget(image_button, (0,0))

function ImageButton.__init__(form, path=None, adjust=True, frame=False, image_id=None, var=None)

Constructor to create a new ImageButton object. You do not generally call this constructor directly, but use the ImageButton() factory function, which is described here: /python/common/.


  • form -- The parent form.
    • Type: form


  • path -- The full path to the image. To show an image from the file pool, you need to first use experiment.get_file to determine the full path to the image.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • adjust -- Indicates whether the image should be scaled according to the size of the widget.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: True
  • frame -- Indicates whether a frame should be drawn around the widget.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • image_id -- An id to identify the image when it is clicked. If None, the path to the image is used as id.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • var -- The name of the experimental variable that should be used to log the widget status.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None

function ImageButton._init_canvas_elements()

Initializes all canvas elements.

function ImageButton._update()

Draws the widget.

function ImageButton._update_frame(rect=None, style=u'normal')

Draws a simple frame around the widget.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple for the frame geometry or None to use the widget geometry.
    • Type: tuple, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • style -- A visual style. Should be 'normal', 'active', or 'light'.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'normal'

function ImageButton.coroutine()

Implements the interaction. This can be overridden to implement more complicated keyboard/ mouse interactions.

function ImageButton.on_key_press(key)

Is called whenever the widget is focused and the users enters a key.


  • key -- A key
    • Type: str

function ImageButton.on_mouse_click(pos)

Is called whenever the user clicks on the widget. Returns the image_id or the path to the image if no image_id has been specified.


  • pos -- An (x, y) coordinate tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function ImageButton.set_rect(rect)

Sets the widget geometry.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function ImageButton.set_var(val, var=None)

Sets an experimental variable.


  • val -- A value.


  • var -- A variable name, or None to use widget default.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
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