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Rating_scale functions

class RatingScale

The rating_scale widget is a horizontally aligned series of checkable boxes (nodes), optionally with a label attached to each node.

Example (OpenSesame script):

widget 0 0 1 1 label text="I like fluffy kittens"
widget 0 1 1 1 rating_scale var="response" nodes="Agree;Don't know;Disagree"

Example (OpenSesame script):

form = Form()
label = Label(text='I like fluffy kittens')
rating_scale = RatingScale(nodes=['Agree', "Don't know",
        'Disagree'], var='response')
form.set_widget(label, (0,0))
form.set_widget(rating_scale, (0,1))

function RatingScale.__init__(form, nodes=5, click_accepts=False, orientation=u'horizontal', var=None, default=None)

Constructor to create a new RatingScale object. You do not generally call this constructor directly, but use the RatingScale() factory function, which is described here: /python/common/.


  • form -- The parent form.
    • Type: form


  • nodes -- The number of nodes or a list of node identifiers (e.g., ['yes', 'no', 'maybe']. If a list is passed the rating scale will have labels, otherwise it will just have boxes.
    • Type: int, list
    • Default: 5
  • click_accepts -- Indicates whether the form should close when a value is selected.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: False
  • orientation -- 'horizontal' indicates a horizontally oriented rating scale, 'vertical' indicates a vertically oriented rating scale.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'horizontal'
  • var -- The name of the experimental variable that should be used to log the widget status. The value that is logged is the number of the node that was selected, with the first node being 0. If no nodes were selected, the value is 'None'. For more information about the use of response variables in forms, see the form documentation page.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • default -- The node that is selected by default, or None to select no node. The value corresponds to the node number, where 0 is the first node.
    • Type: int, NoneType
    • Default: None

function RatingScale._init_canvas_elements()

Initializes all canvas elements.

function RatingScale._update()

Draws the widget.

function RatingScale._update_frame(rect=None, style=u'normal')

Draws a simple frame around the widget.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple for the frame geometry or None to use the widget geometry.
    • Type: tuple, NoneType
    • Default: None
  • style -- A visual style. Should be 'normal', 'active', or 'light'.
    • Type: str, unicode
    • Default: 'normal'

function RatingScale.coroutine()

Implements the interaction. This can be overridden to implement more complicated keyboard/ mouse interactions.

function RatingScale.on_key_press(key)

Is called whenever the widget is focused and the users enters a key.


  • key -- A key
    • Type: str

function RatingScale.on_mouse_click(pos)

Is called whenever the user clicks on the widget. Selects the correct value from the scale and optionally closes the form.


  • pos -- An (x, y) coordinates tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function RatingScale.set_rect(rect)

Sets the widget geometry.


  • rect -- A (left, top, width, height) tuple.
    • Type: tuple

function RatingScale.set_value(val)

Sets the rating scale value.


  • val -- The value.
    • Type: int

function RatingScale.set_var(val, var=None)

Sets an experimental variable.


  • val -- A value.


  • var -- A variable name, or None to use widget default.
    • Type: str, unicode, NoneType
    • Default: None
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