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Release notes for 2.8.0
New functionality and improvements
- Add runner functionality
- Improved exception handling
- Migrate to QProgEdit editor component
- Updated offline help pages
- Improve support for non-Latin alphabets (#211)
- Add correct-response option to touch_response plugin (#214)
- Add style argument to canvas.fixdot()
- Add item.set_response() convenience method
- Add gamma and suppress-warnings options to psycho backend
Bugs fixed
- Line wrapping causes double spaces (#203)
- Keywords to
break compatibility with Python < 2.7 (#201) - Respect
(#208) - Fix ugly exception on Escape press in joystick plugin (#162)
- Correctly parse non-Unix line separators in HTML parser
- Do not give ugly warning on close (#124)
- Set subject_parity in Android runtime (#221)
Debian packaging
- Remove large template files
Windows packaging
- Update included libraries. See
output below.
OpenSesame 2.8.0
Python 2.7.6 (default, Nov 10 2013, 19:24:18) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
OpenCV is not available
OpenCV2 2.4.7
QProgedit 1.0.0
Expyriment 0.7.0b~opensesame2 (Revision 0b10a83590c31285a5d94b3b8479f302f1abc8f3; Python 2.7.6)
NumPy 1.8.0
PIL is available (version is unknown)
PsychoPy 1.78.01
PyAudio 0.2.7
PyGame 1.9.1release
Pyglet 1.1.4
PyOpenGL 3.0.2
PyQt 4.10.3
PySerial 2.7
python-bidi 0.3.4
python-markdown 2.3.1
SciPy 0.13.2