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Mouse functions

class Mouse

The Mouse class is used to collect mouse input. You generally create a Mouse object with the Mouse() factory function, as described in the section Creating a Mouse.


# Draw a 'fixation-dot mouse cursor' until a button is clicked
my_mouse = Mouse()
my_canvas = Canvas()
while True:
    button, position, timestamp = my_mouse.get_click(timeout=20)
    if button is not None:
    (x,y), time = my_mouse.get_pos()
    my_canvas.fixdot(x, y)

Things to know

Creating a Mouse

You generally create a Mouse with the Mouse() factory function:

my_mouse = Mouse()

Optionally, you can pass Response keywords to Mouse() to set the default behavior:

my_mouse = Mouse(timeout=2000)


  • When Uniform coordinates is set to 'yes', coordinates are relative to the center of the display. That is, (0,0) is the center. This is the default as of OpenSesame 3.0.0.
  • When Uniform coordinates is set to 'no', coordinates are relative to the top-left of the display. That is, (0,0) is the top-left. This was the default in OpenSesame 2.9.X and earlier.

Button numbers

Mouse buttons are numbered as follows:

  1. Left button
  2. Middle button
  3. Right button
  4. Scroll up
  5. Scroll down

Touch screens

When working with a touch screen, a touch is registered as button 1 (left button).

Response keywords

Functions that accept **resp_args take the following keyword arguments:

  • timeout specifies a timeout value in milliseconds, or is set to None to disable the timeout.
  • buttonlist specifies a list of buttons that are accepted, or is set to None accept all buttons.
  • visible indicates whether the mouse cursor becomes visible when a click is collected (True or False). To immediately change cursor visibility, use Mouse.show_cursor().
# Get a left or right button press with a timeout of 3000 ms
my_mouse = Mouse()
button, time = my_mouse.get_click(buttonlist=[1,3], timeout=3000)

Response keywords only affect the current operation (except when passed to Mouse() when creating the object). To change the behavior for all subsequent operations, set the response properties directly:

# Get two left or right presses with a 5000 ms timeout
my_mouse = Mouse()
my_mouse.buttonlist = [1,3]
my_mouse.timeout = 5000
button1, time1 = my_mouse.get_click()
button2, time2 = my_mouse.get_click()

Or pass the response keywords to Mouse() when creating the object:

# Get two left or right presses with a 5000 ms timeout
my_mouse = Mouse(buttonlist=[1,3], timeout=5000)
button1, time1 = my_mouse.get_click()
button2, time2 = my_mouse.get_click()


Clears all pending input, not limited to the mouse.


  • True if a button had been clicked (i.e., if there was something to flush) and False otherwise.


my_mouse = Mouse()
button, position, timestamp = my_mouse.get_click()

get_click(*arglist, **kwdict)

Collects a mouse click.


  • **resp_args: Optional response keywords that will be used for this call to Mouse.get_click(). This does not affect subsequent operations.


  • A (button, position, timestamp) tuple. The button and position are None if a timeout occurs. Position is an (x, y) tuple in screen coordinates.


my_mouse = Mouse()
button, (x, y), timestamp = my_mouse.get_click(timeout=5000)
if button is None:
        print('A timeout occurred!')

get_click_release(*arglist, **kwdict)

New in v3.2.0

Collects a mouse-click release.

Important: This function is currently not implemented for the psycho backend.


  • **resp_args: Optional response keywords that will be used for this call to Mouse.get_click_release(). This does not affect subsequent operations.


  • A (button, position, timestamp) tuple. The button and position are None if a timeout occurs. Position is an (x, y) tuple in screen coordinates.


my_mouse = Mouse()
button, (x, y), timestamp = my_mouse.get_click_release(timeout=5000)
if button is None:
        print('A timeout occurred!')


Returns the current position of the cursor.


  • A (position, timestamp) tuple.


my_mouse = Mouse()
(x, y), timestamp = my_mouse.get_pos()
print('The cursor was at (%d, %d)' % (x, y))


Returns the current state of the mouse buttons. A True value means the button is currently being pressed.


  • A (button1, button2, button3) tuple of boolean values.


my_mouse = Mouse()
buttons = my_mouse.get_pressed()
b1, b2, b3 = buttons
print('Currently pressed mouse buttons: (%d,%d,%d)' % (b1,b2,b3))

set_pos(pos=(0, 0))

Sets the position of the mouse cursor.

Warning: set_pos() is unreliable and will silently fail on some systems.


  • pos: An (x,y) tuple for the new mouse coordinates.


my_mouse = Mouse()


Immediately changes the visibility of the mouse cursor.

Note: In most cases, you will want to use the visible keyword, which changes the visibility during response collection, that is, while mouse.get_click() is called. Calling show_cursor() will not implicitly change the value of visible, which can lead to the somewhat unintuitive behavior that the cursor is hidden as soon as get_click() is called.


  • show: Indicates whether the cursor is shown (True) or hidden (False).


Gives a list of synonyms for a mouse button. For example, 1 and 'left_button' are synonyms.


  • button: A button value.


  • A list of synonyms.