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Release notes for 3.1.8

About this update

OpenSesame 3.1.8 Jazzy James is the eight maintenance release in the 3.1 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.1 series.

If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.0 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:


Thanks to:

  • Jarik den Hartog (@JdenHartog) for his code contributions
  • Ronald Sprouse (@rsprouse) for his code contributions
  • Eduard Ort (@eort) for his code contributions
  • Daniel Schreij (@dschreij) for his work on the Mac OS package

Bug fixes and improvements


  • Updated to 3.1.8
  • Issue #552: Explicit use of bytes in serial communications.
  • Issue #550: Removed pygame.mixer.init()
  • Issue #549: Column names shouldn't be sorted by loop (Enhancement)
  • Issue #546: White noise option in Synth is broken (Bug)
  • Issue #544: Line wrapping doesn't work with uniform coordinates (Bug)
  • Issue #533: Color specifications breaks if RGB values are of type (Enhancement)


  • Updated to 0.6.3


  • Updated to 0.1.16

Packages (Windows Python 2.7 package)

Detailed package information

name: opensesame_3.1.8-py2.7-win32-1
- cogsci
- defaults
- python==2.7.12
- anaconda-client=1.4.0=py27_0
- backports=1.0=py27_0
- backports_abc=0.4=py27_0
- bzip2=1.0.6=vc9_3
- clyent=1.2.2=py27_0
- arrow=0.7.0=py_0
- humanize=0.5.1=py_0
- oauthlib=1.0.3=py_0
- psychopy=1.82.01=py27_0
- pygame=1.9.2a0=py27_0
# - pyglet=1.2.4=py27_0 # As of 3.1.8 installed through pip so that we can pip update it
- python-datamatrix=0.6.3=py_0 # updated in 3.1.8
- python-fileinspector=1.0.2=py_0 # updated in 3.1.3
- python-opensesame=3.1.8=py_0 # updated in 3.1.8
- python-pseudorandom=0.2.2=py27_0
- python-pygaze=0.6.0a21=py_0 # Updated in 3.1.3
- python-qdatamatrix=0.1.16=py_0 # updated in 3.1.8
- python-qnotifications=1.1.1=py_0 # updated in 3.1.3
- python-qosf=1.2.2=py_0 # updated in 3.1.7
- python-qprogedit=4.0.11=py_0 # updated in 3.1.7
- qscintilla2=2.9.1=py27_vc9_0
- requests-oauthlib=0.6.1=py_0
- webcolors=1.5=py27_0
- configparser=3.5.0b2=py27_1
- decorator=4.0.10=py27_0
- entrypoints=0.2.2=py27_0
- freetype=2.5.5=vc9_1
- functools32=
- get_terminal_size=1.0.0=py27_0
- ipykernel=4.3.1=py27_0
- ipython=4.2.0=py27_0
- ipython_genutils=0.1.0=py27_0
- ipywidgets=4.1.1=py27_0
- jinja2=2.8=py27_1
- jpeg=8d=vc9_0
- jsonschema=2.5.1=py27_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py27_3
- jupyter_client=4.3.0=py27_0
- jupyter_console=4.1.1=py27_0
- jupyter_core=4.1.0=py27_0
- libpng=1.6.22=vc9_0
- libtiff=4.0.6=vc9_2
- markdown=2.6.6=py27_0
- markupsafe=0.23=py27_2
- mistune=0.7.2=py27_0
- mkl=11.3.3=1
- nbconvert=4.2.0=py27_0
- nbformat=4.0.1=py27_0
- notebook=4.2.1=py27_0
- numpy=1.11.1=py27_0
- openssl=1.0.2h=vc9_0
- pickleshare=0.5=py27_0
- pillow=3.2.0=py27_1
- pip=8.1.2=py27_0
- pyflakes=1.2.3=py27_0
- pygments=2.1.3=py27_0
- pyopengl=3.1.1a1=np111py27_0
- pyopengl-accelerate=3.1.1a1=np111py27_0
- pyqt=4.11.4=py27_6
- pyreadline=2.1=py27_0
- pyserial=2.7=py27_0
- python=2.7.12=0
- python-dateutil=2.5.3=py27_0
- pytz=2016.4=py27_0
- pyyaml=3.11=py27_4
- pyzmq=15.2.0=py27_0
- qt=4.8.7=vc9_8
- qtawesome=0.3.3=py27_0
- qtconsole=4.2.1=py27_0
- qtpy=1.0.2=py27_0
- requests=2.10.0=py27_0
- scipy=0.17.1=np111py27_1
- setuptools=23.0.0=py27_0
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py27_1
- singledispatch=
- sip=4.16.9=py27_2
- six=1.10.0=py27_0
- sqlite=3.13.0=vc9_1
- ssl_match_hostname=
- tornado=4.3=py27_1
- traitlets=4.2.1=py27_0
- vs2008_runtime=9.00.30729.1=2
- wheel=0.29.0=py27_0
- yaml=0.1.6=0
- zlib=1.2.8=vc9_3
- pip:
  - pyglet==1.2.4
  - cffi==1.7.0
  - expyriment==0.8.0 # Upgrade manually to 0.8.1.opensesame2
  - imageio==1.5
  - mediadecoder==0.1.5
  - moviepy==  
  - opensesame-extension-osf==1.1.1 # Updated in 3.1.7
  - opensesame-plugin-media-player-mpy==0.1.6
  - opensesame-windows-launcher==0.4.1
  - pycparser==2.14
  - python-bidi==0.4.0
  - sounddevice==0.3.3
  - tqdm==4.7.6
  - pyaudio==0.2.9 # Added in 3.1.3
  - openpyxl==2.4.0 # Added in 3.1.3
  - fastnumbers==1.0.0 # Added in 3.1.5
  - prettytable==0.7.2 # Added in 3.1.5
prefix: opensesame_3.1.8-py2.7-win32-1