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Release notes for 2.9.3
OpenSesame 2.9.3 is the third maintenance release in the 2.9 series. If you are upgrading from 2.8.3 or earlier, please also read the 2.9.0 release notes.
Bugs fixed
- Font size was specified in points instead of pixels in GUI
- Legacy backend crashed when specifying system font in general properties
- Show arrow-size field in sketchpad
- Fix a bug where description changes weren't applied
- Allow descriptions to wrap over multiple lines for better screen use
- Massively improved performance for large experiments (#305)
Windows packaging
OpenSesame 2.9.2
Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
OpenCV is not available
OpenCV2 2.4.10
QProgedit 2.1.0
Expyriment (Revision ; Python 2.7.8)
NumPy 1.9.1
PIL is available (version is unknown)
PsychoPy 1.80.05-opensesame-1
PyAudio 0.2.8
PyGame 1.9.1release
PyGaze 0.5.0~opensesame3
Pyglet 1.1.4
PyOpenGL 3.1.0
PyQt 4.11.3
PySerial 2.7
python-bidi 0.3.4
python-markdown 2.5.2
SciPy 0.14.0